Zhongguancun (Chaoyang) Internet 3.0 Park
Zhongguancun (Chaoyang) Internet 3.0 Park is located in Chaoyang District, Beijing, covering a total area of approximately 150,000 square meters. The park focuses on the development of the vertical internet 3.0 industrial chain.
Industry Agglomeration
The park centers on key foundational technologies such as virtual reality (VR), artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and the Internet of Things (IoT). It also attracts enterprises from the digital content and digital entertainment sectors. To date, the park has attracted over 190 high-growth internet 3.0 enterprises, forming a complete internet 3.0 industrial chain from underlying technologies to upper-layer applications.
Resources and Services
The park has established several shared technical service facilities, including XR Mixed Reality Innovation Application Platform, High-Standard Motion Capture Center, and Light Field Collection Platform: Supports light field data collection for immersive experiences. These facilities provide enterprises with cutting-edge technological support. The park offers comprehensive support in capital linkage, technology acceleration, and ecosystem co-construction. Additionally, through the Beijing-Hong Kong Internet 3.0 Industry Center and the China-Singapore Internet 3.0 Innovation Incubation Center, the park strengthens international cooperation, promoting the global application and implementation of internet 3.0 technologies.